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Inline formulas

$..\sqrt 3 .$

Display style formulas

$$..\sqrt 3.$$

Latex macros

You can use the following abbreviations:

The following list is an excerpt from an initialization file of MathJax and is to be understand, e.g. the first line, as: Use


for $\C$.

            C: '\\mathbb{C}',        /* the complex numbers */
            N: '\\mathbb{N}',        /* the natural numbers */
            Q: '\\mathbb{Q}',        /* the rational numbers */
            R: '\\mathbb{R}',        /* the real numbers */
            Z: '\\mathbb{Z}',        /* the integer numbers */
            ph: '\\varphi',
            eps: '\\varepsilon',
            th: '\\vartheta',
            /* some extre macros for ease of use; these are non-standard! */
            F: '\\mathbb{F}',        /* a finite field */
            HH: '\\mathcal{H}',      /* a Hilbert space */
            bszero: '\\boldsymbol{0}', /* vector of zeros */
            bsone: '\\boldsymbol{1}',  /* vector of ones */
            bst: '\\boldsymbol{t}',    /* a vector 't' */
            bsv: '\\boldsymbol{v}',    /* a vector 'v' */
            bsw: '\\boldsymbol{w}',    /* a vector 'w' */
            bsx: '\\boldsymbol{x}',    /* a vector 'x' */
            bsy: '\\boldsymbol{y}',    /* a vector 'y' */
            bsz: '\\boldsymbol{z}',    /* a vector 'z' */
            bsDelta: '\\boldsymbol{\\Delta}', /* a vector '\Delta' */
            E: '\\mathrm{e}',          /* the exponential */
            rd: '\\,\\mathrm{d}',      /*  roman d for use in integrals: $\int f(x) \rd x$ */
            rdelta: '\\,\\delta',      /* delta operator for use in sums */
            rD: '\\mathrm{D}',         /* differential operator D */
            /* example from MathJax on how to define macros with parameters: */
            /* bold: ['{\\bf #1}', 1] */
            RR: '\\mathbb{R}',
            ZZ: '\\mathbb{Z}',
            NN: '\\mathbb{N}',
            QQ: '\\mathbb{Q}',
            CC: '\\mathbb{C}',
            FF: '\\mathbb{F}'